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Job of Pochaev

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The future [[saint]] Job was born Ivan Zhelezo in 1551 to pious parents, Ioann and Agafia, in Pokut’a in Galicia, near the city of Kolomia. As a child he developed high spiritual aspirations, and used the lives of Ss Sava and John of Damascus as well as the “Ladder” of St John Climacus as models of virtuous life.
At the age of ten, Ivan left his parents and asked the abbot of the Transfiguration Ugornits [[Monastery]], in the village of Pidhora near the town of Terebovlya, to accept him so that he could serve his “brothers.” He was [[tonsure]]d a [[monk]] two years yearslater, at the age of 12, and was given the name Job. He lived a life of great piety and strict asceticism. About 1581, when he reached the age of 31, he was offered and accepted the dignity of the [[priest]]hood. At about the same time he accepted the urgings of Prince Constantine of Ostrozhsh, who was famed as a defender of Orthodoxy, to become abbot of the Monastery of the Exaltation of the Cross outside the city of Dubno.
For the next twenty years, Hieromonk Job served as the the abbot (hegumen) of this monastery and engaged himself in writing and publishing theological works in an atmosphere of increased tensions. These tensions between the Orthodox and Roman Catholics heightened after the [[Union of Brest]] in 1596. His works were collected into ''The Book of the Venerable Job of Pochaev, Written by His Own Hand''. The book contained 80 teachings, conversations, and sermons as well as excerpts of writings from the [[Holy Fathers]]. In his writings Fr. Job also defended Orthodoxy against the Protestant [[Heresy|heresies]] presented by missionaries. In his works he presented the Orthodox view of the dogmas of the Trinity, the divinity of Christ, the Mother of God, baptism, and other matters that particularly were rejected by Protestant missionaries.

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