See also the various synaxaria, including the Prologue from Ohrid.
Also, see general information about hagiography.
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Pages in category "Saints"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 920 total.
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- Abanoub
- Abercius of Hierapolis
- Abibus of Nekressi
- Abraham of Smolensk
- Abu of Tbilisi
- Acepsimus, Joseph, and Aeithalas
- Apostle Achaicus
- Achillius of Larisa
- Addai
- Adrian and Natalia
- Aetherius of Cherson
- Apostle Agabus
- Agatha of Palermo
- Agatho of Rome
- Agathodorus of Cherson
- Aggelis the Physician
- Ahmed the Calligrapher
- Aidan of Lindisfarne
- Alban
- Alexander (Okropiridze) of Guria and Samegrelo
- Alexander I of Rome
- Alexander Nevsky
- Alexander of Alexandria
- Alexander of Constantinople
- Alexander of Jerusalem
- Alexander of Svir
- Alexander Schmorell
- Alexandra the Empress
- Alexei Mechev
- Alexios the Man of God
- Alexis (Kabaliuk) of Carpathia
- Alexis of Moscow
- Alexis of Wilkes-Barre
- Alfred the Great
- Apostle Alphaeus
- Ambrose (Khelaia) the Confessor
- Ambrose of Milan
- Ambrose of Optina
- List of American Orthodox saints
- Amphibalus
- Amphilochios (Makris) of Patmos
- Amphilochius of Pochaev
- Apostle Amplias
- Apostle Ananias
- Anastasia the Deliverer from Potions
- Anastasia the Roman
- Anastasius I of Antioch
- Anastasius I of Rome
- Anastasius II of Antioch
- Anastasius of Sinai
- Anatole (Kamensky) of Irkutsk
- Anatolius I of Optina
- Anatolius II of Optina
- Anatolius of Constantinople
- Apostle Andrew
- Andrew of Crete
- Andrew Rublev
- Andrew Stratelates
- Andrew the Fool-for-Christ
- Apostle Andronicus
- Andronik (Nikolsky) of Perm
- Andronik of Moscow
- Anianus of Alexandria
- Anicetus and Photius
- Ansgar
- Anthimus of Chios
- Anthimus of Nicomedia
- Anthony II (Kauleas) of Constantinople
- Anthony of Alexandria
- Anthony of Optina
- Anthony of the Kiev Caves
- Anthony the Great
- Anthony, John, and Eustathius of Vilnius
- Antimos of Iberia
- Anysia of Thessaloniki
- Anysios of Thessaloniki
- Anysius of Thessalonica
- Apostle Apelles
- Apollinaris of Hierapolis
- Apollinaris of Ravenna
- Apostle Apollo
- Apollonius of Alexandria
- Apostles
- Apostolic Fathers
- Apostle Apphia
- Apostle Aquila
- Archangel
- Apostle Archippus
- Arianus of Alexandria
- Apostle Aristarchus
- Aristion
- Apostle Aristobulus
- Arsacius of Tarsus
- Arsenios of Corfu
- Arsenios the Cappadocian
- Arsenius I (Sremac) of Pec
- Arsenius of Paros
- Arsenius of Tver
- Arsenius the Great
- Apostle Artemas
- Artemius of Verkola
- Apostle Asyncritus
- Athanasius of Brest
- Athanasius I of Constantinople
- Athanasius I of Naples
- Athanasius of Alexandria
- Athanasius of Athos
- Athanasius of Attalia
- Athanasius of Thessalonica
- Athanasius Parios
- Athanasius the Martyr of Sabaste
- Athanasius the Reader
- Athanasius the Superintendent of Prisoners
- Augustine of Canterbury
- Augustine of Hippo
- Aurelius of Carthage
- Babylas of Antioch
- Barbara of Heliopolis
- Barlaam of the Kiev Caves
- Apostle Barnabas
- Barnabas (Nastić) of Hvosno
- Barsanuphius of Optina
- Apostle Bartholomew
- Basil and Theodore
- Basil Kalika of Novgorod
- Basil of Ancyra
- Basil of Cherson
- Basil of Ostrog
- Basil the Blessed
- Basil the Confessor
- Basil the Great
- Basilissa of Nicomedia
- Bassa of Edessa
- Bede
- Benedict of Nursia
- Benjamin
- Benjamin (Kazansky) of Petrograd
- Beuno the Wonderworker
- Birinus of Dorchester
- Birnstan of Winchester
- Bishoy
- Blaise of Sebaste
- Boniface
- Boris and Gleb
- Boris I of Bulgaria
- Bosa of York
- Brendan the Navigator
- Brigid of Kildare
- Brychan of Brecknock
- Brynach
- List of Bulgarian saints
- Caedmon
- Apostle Caesar
- Caesarius of Arles
- Caintigern of Loch Lomond
- Callinicus I of Constantinople
- Callistus I of Constantinople
- Callistus I of Rome
- Capiton of Cherson
- Cappadocian Fathers
- Apostle Carpus
- Catherine of Alexandria
- Cedd of Lastingham
- Celestine of Rome
- Apostle Cephas
- Chad of Lichfield
- Chad of Mercia
- Charitina of Lithuania
- Charitina of Rome
- Martyrs of China
- Christina of Tyre
- Christodoulos Latrinos of Patmos
- Christopher of Lycia
- Chrysanthus
- Chrysostomos (Kalafatis) of Smyrna
- Church Calendar
- Apostle Clement
- Clement of Alexandria
- Clement of Ochrid
- Clement of Rome
- Apostle Cleopas
- Cloud
- Colman of Lindisfarne
- Columba of Iona
- Constantine I of Kiev
- Constantine Hagarit
- Constantine III of Constantinople
- Constantine of Cornwall and Govan
- Constantine of Strathclyde
- Constantine the Great
- Constantine the New
- Constantine XI Palaiologos
- Coptic Calendar
- Cornelius of the Pskov Caves
- Cosmas of Aetolia
- Cosmas the Hymnographer
- Apostle Crescens
- Crescens of Myra
- Apostle Crispus