Category:Bishops by city
These subcategories list articles on bishops by city, or other area of their title. Note that some titles are titular and do not really describe the area where the bishop resides. Also, some bishops are auxiliary bishops, and are given a title of a city in the see of another bishop.
Contents: | Top 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
(There may be more subcategories on other pages.)
This category has the following 152 subcategories, out of 548 total.
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- Bishops of Šabac
- Bishops of Sabaste
- Bishops of Saida
- Bishops of Saint Petersburg
- Bishops of Salamis
- Bishops of Samos
- Bishops of San Francisco
- Bishops of Santiago
- Bishops of Saratov
- Bishops of Sardis
- Bishops of Saskatoon
- Bishops of Scythopolis
- Bishops of Seattle
- Bishops of Sebasteia
- Bishops of Sebastia
- Bishops of Selefkia
- Bishops of Seleucia
- Bishops of Sendai
- Bishops of Serpukhov
- Bishops of Serres
- Bishops of Servia
- Bishops of Sevasteia
- Bishops of Seville
- Bishops of Sevsk
- Bishops of Shanghai
- Bishops of Shymkent
- Bishops of Sidirokastron
- Bishops of Siemiatycze
- Bishops of Simferopol and Crimea
- Bishops of Sisanion
- Bishops of Sitka
- Bishops of Skoplje
- Bishops of Skythopolis
- Bishops of Skythoupoleios
- Bishops of Smolensk
- Bishops of Smyrna
- Bishops of Sofia
- Bishops of Solikamsk
- Bishops of Sortavala
- Bishops of Sourozh
- Bishops of South Canaan
- Bishops of South Sakhalin
- Bishops of Sozopolis
- Bishops of Srem
- Bishops of Stagoi
- Bishops of Staraya Rus
- Bishops of Staridub
- Bishops of Stobilsk
- Bishops of Stuttgart
- Bishops of Sukhumi
- Bishops of Suzdal
- Bishops of Svornikio
- Bishops of Sydney
- Bishops of Syracuse
- Bishops of Syros
- Bishops of Tabor
- Bishops of Tallinn
- Bishops of Tambov
- Bishops of Tarnovo
- Bishops of Tashkent
- Bishops of Tbilisi
- Bishops of Telmissus
- Bishops of Thera
- Bishops of Thermon
- Bishops of Thessaliotis
- Bishops of Thessalonica
- Bishops of Thyateira
- Bishops of Thyateira and Great Britain
- Bishops of Tianjin
- Bishops of Tikhvin
- Bishops of Tirana
- Bishops of Tiraspol
- Bishops of Tokyo
- Bishops of Toledo
- Bishops of Tomis
- Bishops of Tomsk
- Bishops of Toronto
- Bishops of Trebizond
- Bishops of Trier
- Bishops of Trikki
- Bishops of Trimithounta
- Bishops of Triphylia
- Bishops of Tripoli
- Bishops of Troas
- Bishops of Tskhumi
- Bishops of Tula
- Bishops of Tver
- Bishops of Tver and Kashin
- Bishops of Tyanon
- Bishops of Tyre
- Bishops of Tyroloi
- Bishops of Tyva
- Bishops of Vancouver
- Bishops of Velichskogo
- Bishops of Veliky Ustjug
- Bishops of Vella
- Bishops of Vereyа
- Bishops of Veria
- Bishops of Vetluzhsk
- Bishops of Vevey
- Bishops of Vienna
- Bishops of Vilnius
- Bishops of Vladimir
- Bishops of Vladimir and Suzdal
- Bishops of Volhynia
- Bishops of Vologda
- Bishops of Volokolamsk
- Bishops of Volyn
- Bishops of Voronezh
- Bishops of Vresthena
- Bishops of Vyatka
- Bishops of Vyborg