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Ascholius of Thessalonica

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In 380, during the attempt of Maximus the Cynic's to usurp the [[cathedra]] of Constantinople by playing off the among emperor Theodosius, [[Gregory the Theologian|Gregory Nazianzus]], Peter II of Alexandria, [[Ambrose of Milan|Ambrose]], Bp. Damasius, and others, Ascholius was asked by Bp. Damasius to use his influence to ensure that a person true to the Orthodox faith is [[consecration of a bishop|consecrated]] [[bishop]] of Constantinople. <ref>Migne, Patrolog., xiii., pp. 366-369; Ep. 5; 5, 6</ref>
In 380, Bp. Ascholius baptized the emperor Theodosius in Thessalonica and was present at the [[Second Ecumenical Council]] at Constantinople in 381. <ref>Soc., Ecc. Hist. v. 6 and 8,</ref> It was at the council in Constantinople that the claim's of Maximus were unanimously rejected. Bp. Ascholius died shortly after in either 383 or 384.

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