Timeline of Orthodoxy in Russia

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Russian Church under the Patriarch of Constantinople

Period of the Kievan Metropolia (988-1304)

Russian Church after the mongol invasion (since 1237)

South-west Russian Metropolis (1458—1686)

  • 1646 +Peter Mogila, metropolitan of Kiev
  • 1686 Kievan metropolis /перешла в юрисдикцию Московского Патриархата/

Autocephalous being of Russian Church

The Synodical Church (1700-1917)

Russian Orthodox Church during Communist rule

Russian Orthodox Church after the collapse of the Soviet Union

Further rerading

  • St. Cornelius of the Pskov Caves martyrdom is recorded in the old manuscripts of the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra
  • Source: "A LIFELONG PASSION, NICHOLAS AND ALEXANDRA THEIR OWN STORY"., Andrei Maylunas and Sergi Mironenko., Doubleday, New York., February 1997., pp. 638-639).
  • Retrieved from "https://en.orthodoxwiki.org/index.php?title=Timeline_of_Orthodoxy_in_Russia&oldid=87244"