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John (Pommers) of Riga

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Predecessors and Successors in the Episcopate
{{start box}}
before=Bishop Mikhail (Temnorusov)|
title=Bishop of Slutsk<br> (vicar of the Diocese of Minsk)|
years= 1911-1912|
after=Bishop Mitrofan (Krasnopolsky)}}
before=Bishop Fiofilakt (Klementev)|
title=Bishop of Taganrog and Priazovye<br> (vicar of the Diocese of Ekaterinoslavl)|
years= 1913-1917|
after=Bishop Arseny (Smolenets)}}
before=Bishop Arseny (Smolenets)|
title=Bishop of Staritsa<br> (vicar of the Diocese of Tver)|
years= 1917-1918|
after=Bishop Serafim (Aleksandrov)}}
before=Vladimir (Putyata)|