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Template:February 2

4 bytes added, 12:21, February 3, 2005
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<div style="float:right;margin-left:1em">
[[Image:BrigidPresentation.jpg|100px|St. Brigid of KildaireThe Presentation]]</div>Martyr Tryphon The '''[[Presentation|Presentation of Syria; Martyr Perpetua Christ into the Temple]]''' (one of Carthage and her four companions; Basil the Confessor, archbishop [[Great Feasts]] of Thessalonika; New-martyr Anastasios of Anaplos; Venerable David and Simeon; Venerable the [[Brigid of KildaireOrthodox Church]]), Gabriel the New Martyr of Constantinople, Jordan the New Martyr, Agathadoros the Martyr of Cappadocia
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