List of Serbian saints

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link titleAll dates are according to Julian Calendar

  • Avakum, Abacuk, venerable – deacon (December 17)
  • Anastasija, Anastasia, venerable – Ana, St. Sava’s Mother (June 23)
  • Angelina, venerable – despotess (July 30, December 10)
  • Arsenije Sremac, Arsenius (Arsenye) of Srem, saint – archbishop (October 28)
  • Basil of Ostrog the Wonderworker, saint – bishop (April 29)
  • Bissarion Saray, venerable (October 21)
  • Branko Dobrosavljevic, Hieromartyr (April 24)
  • Vladislav (Stefan Vladislav), holy, king (September 24, and July 30)
  • Vukasin of Klepci , martyr (May 6)
  • Gabriel of Lesnovo, igumen venerable (January 15)
  • Gavril I, Gabriel I, heromartyr – patriarch (December 13)
  • Gregory the Silent, venerable (December 7)
  • Grigorije, Gregory, saint – bishop of Raska (Rashka) (12th September)
  • David, venerable – Dimitrije Nemanjic (Dimitriye Nemanyich) – Prince (September 24)
  • Danilo II, Daniel II, saint – archbishop (December 20)
  • Dragutin, holy – king (see Teoktist)
  • Djordje, George – despot (see Maksim)
  • Djordje Kratovac, George of Kratovo, saint new-martyr (February 11, May 26)
  • Djordje Bogic, hieromartyr (July 4)
  • Dositej, Dositheus (December 31)
  • Zosim Tumanski, Zosima of Tuman, (see Sinaiti)
  • Jakov, James, saint – archbishop (February 3)
  • Jevgenija, Eugenia, (see Jefrosinija, Euphrosenia)
  • Jevstatije I, Eustace I, saint – archbishop (January 5)
  • Jevstatije II, Eustace II, saint – archbishop (August 16)
  • Jelena Decanska, (Yellena) Helen of Decani (Dechani), venerable (3rd June)
  • Jelena, Helen, saint – queen (October 30)
  • Jelisaveta, (Yellisaveta) Elisabeth, venerable – Jelena Stiljanovic (Yellena Shtiliyanovich) (October 4)
  • Jefrem, (Yephrem) Ephraem, saint – patriarch (June 15)
  • Jefrosinija, (Yephrosynia) Euphrosyne, venerable – Milica (Militsa) (July 19)
  • Jeftimije Decanski, (Yephtimiye Dechanski) Euphtimius of Decani, venerable (November 11)
  • Joakim Osogovski, Joachim of Osogovo, venerable (August 16)
  • Joanikije Devicki, Joannicius of Devic (Devitch) venerable (April 24, December 2)
  • Joanikije I, Joanicius sain -archbishop (May 28)
  • Joanikije II, Joannicius, saint – patriarch (September 3)
  • Joasaf srpski Meteorita, Joasaph of Serbia the Meteorite, venerable – the last of Nemanjic Dynasthy (April 20)
  • Jov, Job (see Sinaiti)
  • Jovan Vladimir, John Vladimir, holy – king of Zeta (May 22)
  • Jovan Novi (Brankovic), John the New Brankovich), holy – despot (December 10)
  • Josif Novi, Joseph the New, saint (September 15)
  • Kirilo, Cyril, saint – patriarch (August 30)
  • Lazar, Lazarus, prince greate martyr (June 15)
  • Makarije, Macarius Patriarch (August 30)
  • Maksim, Maxim, saint – archbishop – Djordje Brankovic, despot – (January 18)
  • Martirije, Martyrius (see Sinaiti)
  • Milica, see Jefrosinija
  • Milutin, holy – king (October 30)
  • Nemanja, (see Simeon Mirotocivi)
  • Nestor Decanski, Nestor of Dechani, venerable (October 22)
  • Nestor, (see Sinaiti)
  • Nikodim, Nikodemus, saint – archbishop (May 11)
  • Nikodim Tismanski, Nikodemos of Tisman, venerable (December 26)
  • Nikon, saint – patriarch (August 30)
  • Pajsije, Paisius Venerable martyr (December 17)
  • Petar Koriski, Peter of Korish, saint (June 5)
  • Petar Cetinjski Cudotvorac, Peter of Cetinje (Cetinye) the Wonder-Worker, saint (October 18)
  • Petar of Dabar-Bosna (September 4)
  • Platon of Banja Luka (April 22)
  • Prohor Pcinjski, Prochorus of Pcinja (Pchinya), venerable (Octoberer 19)
  • Roman, Romanus, (see Sinaiti)
  • Romil Ravanicki, Romilus of Ravanica (Ravanitsa), (see Sinaites)
  • Rafailo Banatski Hilandarac, Raphael of Banat the Hilandarian, venerable (August 16)
  • Sava I, saint – archbishop (January 14)
  • Sava II, saint – archbishop (Febuary 8)
  • Sava II Brankovic (Brankovich), saint – metropolitan (Aprol 24)
  • Sava III, saint – archbishop (July 26)
  • Sava of Gornji Karlovac , hieromartyr July 4
  • Simeon Mirotocivi, Simeon the Myhr-flowing, saint – Stefan Nemanja (Nemanya) (February 13)
  • Simon monah, Simon the Monk, venerable – king, Stefan Prvovencani (Prvovenchany – The First *Crowned) (September 24)
  • Sinaiti, Sinaites*, venerable (May 6)
  • Sisoj, Syssoes, (see Sinaiti)
  • Spiridon, Spyridon, saint – patriarch (June 15)
  • Stefan Decanski, Stephan of Dechani, saint – Stefan Uros (Urosh) III, king (November 11)
  • Stefan Lazarevic, Stephan Lazarevich, saint – despot (July 19)
  • Stefan Nemanja, (see Simeon Mirotocivi)
  • Stefan Piperski, Stephan of Piperi, venerable (2th June)
  • Stefan Prvovencan (Stephen the Firstcrowned)i, (see Simon monah)
  • Stefan Slepi, Stephen the Blind, despot (October 9)
  • Stefan Uros V (Urosh), saint – emperor ( December 2)
  • Stefan Urosic Nemanjic (Uroshits Nemanyich), saint – knez (November 11)
  • Stefan Stiljanovic (Shtilyanovich), saint – knez (17th October)
  • Teodor, Theodore of Vrsac hieromartyr May 16.
  • Teodor Komogovinski, Theodore of Komogovo, holy martyr
  • Teoktist, Theoctist, venerable – Dragutin, king (September 29)

There are not all serbian saints. I will put other later