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Richard ichard Barrett is an Orthodox church musician, choral singer and scholar. He is the Protopsaltis Director of Dormition Greek Orthodox Church in SomervillePublications, MA, where he also sings in the choir. He is also the Byzantine Chant Liaison to the Executive Board of the Choir Federation of the Metropolis of BostonGrants, and the Operations for Cappella Romana and Artistic Director of the Saint John of Damascus Society, which supports the performance and dissemination of Orthodox liturgical and para-liturgical music. From 2014-2015 he was Fellow in Residence He is Director of Music and Protopsaltis at Holy Cross Dormition of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox School Church in Somerville, MA, and has served there since 2015. He was Director of Development and subsequently Executive Director of TheologyAGES Initiatives from 2017 through 2021. From 2005-2012 he was the cantor and choir director at All Saints Orthodox Church in Bloomington, Indiana, and then he was cantor and choir director at Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church in Indianapolis from 2013-2014. He has a performer’s certificate in Byzantine music from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, and has served as an invited clinician , speaker, and guest cantor at Orthodox churches throughout the country, and recently gave a talk titled “The Mother of God and the Akathistos: How History, Liturgy, and Singing Come Together in the Chairetismoi”.  He sings regularly with ensembles such as Cappella Romana and has also sung with , the Patriarch Tikhon Choir, and Psaltikon. Previously, he has performed with ensembles such as the East/West Festival Chorale in Cincinnati, the Josquin Singers in San Francisco, Tudor Choir and the Seattle Opera Chorus in the Pacific Northwest, and in Indiana, the Pro Arte Singers, Collegium Musicum, and the American Guild of Organists Festival Choir. He has worked with conductors such as Alexander Lingas, Peter Jermihov, Marcel Pérès, Amelia LeClair, Vladimir Gorbik, Paul Hillier, John Poole, and John Harbison. He has presented scholarly papers spoken at events such as the International Conference on Digital Media and Orthodox Pastoral Care at the Orthodox Academy of Crete, the International Society for Orthodox Church Music, the International Conference on Patristic Studies at the University of Oxford, the North American Patristics Society, and the Patristic Symposium of the Georges Florovsky Society at Princeton University. A Ph.D. candidate Recently he was invited to speak at “Byzantine Chant in the Department of History at Indiana Anglosphere”, an event sponsored by City University, he is completing his dissertation, titled “Civic Devotions to the Mother of God London in Late Antique Constantinople”, under the direction memory of Deborah DeliyannisArchimandrite +Ephrem (Lash). In addition, he He holds a B. Mus. in vocal performance and an M. A. in Ancient History, both from Indiana University, has done additional specialized graduate work in Modern Greek studies. Richard has studied voice with Dennis Kruse, Erich Parce, and Dale Moore, and has pursued further specialized study of Byzantine chant with Ioannis Arvanitis, John Michael Boyer, and Fr. Grammenos Karanos. Publications include essays on Orthodox musical topics in many print and online venues, as well as scholarly articles in journals such as the Greek Orthodox Theological Review, The Journal of Early Christian Studies, and Studia Patristica. He has been married to Megan Barrett since 2001, and his wife Megan live in Boston with their they have two children, Theodore and Katherine.

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